l. Calculate percent aluminum as follows:
(Weight of ppt) (117.41)
percent Aluminum =
(Sample weight in grams) Determination of volatile matter at 104°C (220°F). Procedure.
a. Prepare two weighing bottles for each determination by cleaning with chromic acid
solution, rinsing with distilled water and then drying the bottles at 110°C (230°F) for one hour.
b. Cool the bottles in a desiccator for 30 +5 minutes, weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg, and
record weight as Tare.
c. Add approximately 5 g of sample to each weighing bottle, reweigh and record the weight
as Gross.
d. Place the unstoppered bottles in the oven at 104°C (220°F) for three hours.
e. Stopper and place the bottles in a desiccator for 30 +5 minutes. Reweigh the bottles and
record weight as Residue.
Note: Make all weighings as rapidly as possible.
f. Calculate as follows:
(Gross) - (Residue + Tare)
percent loss @ 104°C (220°F) = X 100
(Gross) - (Tare) Determination of ether extractables. Procedure.
a. Weigh 50 g of aluminum powder into a 500 mL round bottom flask and cover with 200
mL of diethyl ether.
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